Summer Research Internship Program di NTU-Singapore

Bagi teman-teman mahasiswa Fakultas Seni dan Desain yang berada disemester 6 keatas dan tertarik
untuk bergabung dengan NTU dalam program Summer Research Internship, segera apply denghan syarat
sesuai link dibawah ini, dan keterangan lebih lanjut, bisa ke saya (Michael Gumelar) atau ke Wakil Rektor IV Prof. Muliawati (^_^)

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michael gumelar

SRI Programme 

Welcome to Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme
The Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme is a university wide Research Programme initiated to stimulate a culture of research for the overseas undergraduates.
Participants for this programme will develop research interest, strong sense of cross-cultural intelligence, gain a network of friends and a better understanding of our nation.
Eligible overseas undergraduate students will be given an allowance, and are expected to fulfill a 8-week research attachment comprising project work at Nanyang Technological University (NTU),  and presentation of their research project at a closing ceremony. All participants will receive a certificate issued by NTU upon completion of the programme. 
Eligibility Criteria

* Open to all nationalities who are currently full-time students in an overseas university.
* Applicants should possess good academic track records
* Applicants must have completed a certain number of semesters in their overseas universities by the time they attend the SRI programme. Detail as shown below :

  o  Applicants who are in a 3-year Bachelor programme must have completed 4 semesters in their study
o  Applicants who are in a 4-year Bachelor programme must have completed 6-8 semesters of study
o  Applicants who are in a direct Masters programme must have completed 6-10 semesters in their study
SRI Allowance

The SRI grant is tenable only for the duration of the programme at NTU. Each grant shall cover the following:
* Tuition fees.
* One-off allowance amounting up to S$3,000 (which will help to cover hostel fees)

Spotlight on…


SRI_web version.pdf

Notes for International Students

International applicants are advised to look up important information such as, pre-departure checklist, immigration, accommodation, cost of living, emergency hotlines, insurance, etc at the International Student Centre's website at
Pre-departure Guide book for International Students can be found on the website.
   Applicants may choose accommodation administered by NTU or rent rooms outside the campus.
   More details will be given by the choice of your school to short-listed applicants.

   Temporary Employment Pass (TEP)
   All international students are required to obtain a valid Temporary Employment Pass (TEP) issued by
   Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in order to participate in SRI Programme.
   An Entry Visa is required of international students from some countries for entry into Singapore.
   For more information, please visit the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).  
   More details will be given by the choice of your school to short-listed applicants.

 Application Period

Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme 2011 will commence from 6 June 2011 – 29July 2011. The online application portal will open on 01 October 2010 and close on 31 December 2010.
Applicants are advised to complete their online application and mail their application and supporting documents before the last day of submission (Closing date) to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU). Please note that late application will not be considered.
Only short-listed applicants will be notified by their choice of School in April 2011. Future correspondences with you will be via your choice of School.

Contact Us

For queries, you may contact us at


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