01 Komodo - External Instant Evolution by M.S. Gumelar 1-20. Learning Bahasa Indonesia & English in a fun way by reading comic
Komodo - External Instant Evolution by M.S. Gumelar
Learning Bahasa Indonesia & English in a fun way by reading comic
He can be reached by email: ms.gumelar@gmail.com or by phone: +62818966667
This comic for 17+ years old (adult only please)
Komik ini untuk dewasa, 17+ tahun
Komodo published in An1magine:
This comic strips series can be found here also:
This comic strips series can be found here also:
Ebook gratis elemen dan prinsip menggambar: http://michaelgumelar.blogspot.com/2015/10/ebook-gratis-elemen-dan-prinsip.html
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Komodo published in An1magine: