2D animation for a beginner: from photo to digital animation 01
2D Animation for Beginner. Hi, I am M.S. Gumelar, welcome to my first series of how to create a 2D animation from scanned image(s), you can use a digital camera or a smartphone with a camera to take a picture or photo, then edit it in a digital computer using a popular software Adobe Photoshop CC so everybody can follow the tutorial and hopefully reach a broader audience. You can use Photoshop early or latest version, as long as there is an animation window or timeline window in the menu. Combining traditional with a digital way to create 2D animation is called 2D animation hybrid technique.
In this tutorial, I share how to create a simple accelerated ball, decelerated, also gravity for a bouncing ball in cartoon-style animation. In the next tutorial, I am going to share how to clean up the line easily, colour it in a digital way, add sound, background, visual effects, and create a complex mini animation with a simple story and characters later on, also on some tutorial I am going to focus on lip sync.
You can also watch my first tutorial at Patreon and my blog:
The next tutorial can be accessed here:
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