Origami 6 -2015, Denpasar, Bali
Create any artwork requires a struggle against yourself, it is not an easy one, and not everyone can do it.
Artist and designer is a creator, work the same as the creator of the universe who showed off the results of his creation to be enjoyed by all beings in it. Origami is a great event for the artist and designer to showcase theirs work
Congratulations to the artist and designer who has exhibited their artworks at the exhibition event “Origami#6 -2015” held in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Words of wisdom say, “The exhibition is silver and published artworks in a book is gold”.
Congratulations also to the success of the event, bravo to the "Origami # 6-2015" committee, chaired by the talented youth Mr. Fiqih W. and the team gave him a great support.
The publication of the "Origami # 6-2015" book expected to give an impact to other artist immediately does their artworks with all of their passion and abilities. Be prepared for "Origami # 7”.
On the other hand, an1mage studio opening a wide opportunity for artist and designer who is interested in publishing their artworks.
An1mage accepts a variety of artworks with a variety of styles of images in accordance with the style of the artist itself, such as realist style, cartoon style, fine art style, and hybrid styles (a combination of two or more style).
Go move ahead artist and designer, make the world knows you.
M.S. Gumelar
An1mage Director
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1. Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3l84AXZlhgSNzZQNHlZcU9Mc1k/view?usp=sharing
2. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=oaH_CgAAQBAJ
2. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=oaH_CgAAQBAJ
3. Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018IN7LXY
4. Issuu: http://issuu.com/an1mage/docs/9_origami_2015_black_full-edit
Ebook gratis elemen dan prinsip menggambar: http://michaelgumelar.blogspot.com/2015/10/ebook-gratis-elemen-dan-prinsip.html
4. Issuu: http://issuu.com/an1mage/docs/9_origami_2015_black_full-edit
Ebook gratis elemen dan prinsip menggambar: http://michaelgumelar.blogspot.com/2015/10/ebook-gratis-elemen-dan-prinsip.html